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Community Membership
Management Systems

Club websites with backoffice management tools

Clubhub provides clubs with websites that can be updated by you to contain your own photos, logos, match reports, and news pages and also incorporate Facebook, and Neighbourhood events.

You can manage your membership records with the Backoffice tools, and have as many membership types as you require, along with the inclusion of variable fees and 'start of season' renewal dates.

You can update membership renewals with online payments, standing orders, or repeat payments from Credit or Debit cards.

Whether you are looking for a 'content-managed' website for your club or for a 'multi-group' website, we have a solution for you. If you are a multi-disciplined club based in a single location with a sports
clubhouse, a community centre' or a church hall you can access and use ClubHub.

For Sports Clubs -

An answer for a number of sports based at the same club, using the same club facilities, can have their own separate membership lists. 

For Extra Income using Sports Club Venues

You can have as many groups as you like using your club facilities across all kinds of activities and hobbies. For example - yoga and pilates, dancing, nurseries, charities etc.


Build a HUB of activities where people of all ages can meet, be more sociable, and have more fun, making it easy for yourself and for them.

Bring different groups together so they can become more effective and link together across different interests to widen people's horizons.

ClubHub tools ease the laborious task of running your club

Developed for clubs of all sizes, with single or multiple sports, you can run membership lists for any sport with the same club separating the management functions to each of the disciplines when needed.

You can take control of your website and we provide the tools for you to build, edit and manage your own web pages. Clubhub leaves you in total control of your own website.

Multiple management levels give you control over who can edit webpages or access the Backoffice membership management tools. By sharing the load in this way, you avoid dependence on key people, allowing you to do more.

For clubs with assets such as Gyms, additional membership fee income can be generated through a gym membership, with other spaces that can be rented to other activity organisations.

For instant access to membership details, mailing lists, membership payments, etc., look no further than Clubhub.